You are able to communicate with modules you need to but sometimes you will get error codes or the vehicle/computer doesn’t recognize the interface but after another attempt or 2 it will work.2018 and newer vehicles are given full diagnostic capabilities. You ideally use Xentry Pass-thru with these devices, and a subscription is available from Daimler, however it is limited to programming and reading faults from the engine ECU and transmission TCU up to 2017. Any vehicle using a 38-pin connector or HHTWIN for diagnosis will not work. Xentry Passthru with Openport 2.0 cables don’t work with KLine cars such as the C32. It has no K-Line support and no CAN-L, so no ISO 14230 for SIM4 LE ECUs, (M111Evo). The Openport is missing some protocols so it doesn’t get to a point where it could brick a module.For normal troubleshooting and diagnosis, though, it rocks. I used it to run all of the A/C diagnostics on my car, recalibrate the vent control thumbwheels, test a few actuators, run the intercooler pump, and check the weight sensing system (which needs to be recalibrated), The only thing I can’t do right now is SCN coding and programming, which requires an active M-B account.I have a Tactrix and it works great for most things however for flashing certain modules it doesn’t work as good as a more expensive J2534 device (Snap-on Pass Thru Pro II, CarDAQ Plus, J-Box) device or a C4/C5 etc, multiplexer.This will generally communicate with vehicles 2003 and newer that use OBD2 for diagnosis.

The OpenPort 2.0 interface will allow Xentry to communicate with your Mercedes using the J2534 standard.Openport 2.0 is not limited on Can- Cars from 2006 and above!.It’s a good reasonably priced option if you don’t need to do any module updates.This item intends to simply give you a working system. This combination is useful for ECUs with CAN capability.